29 June 2008

Yoga Stretching

Yoga is becoming very popular in recent times due to its simplicity and the immense benefit it provides, both in short term and long term. In ancient times yoga was practiced by holy people to unite soul and body for attaining divinity. Yoga is still very much valid in our modern society for its various benefits. People practice yoga for various reasons like maintaining fitness and flexibility, to recover from health disorders, to relieve stress as well as to achieve overall development of body and mind.

Yoga is a simple form of exercise and takes less time and efforts to practice.

Yoga involves controlling breathing and different body postures that helps in tuning the body muscles and relieving stress. Most of the yoga postures involve stretching, which relaxes muscles and reduces tension. Yoga helps to stretch wrists, neck, shoulders, back, and legs by performing some simple postures.

Neutral posture is the most important position one has to learn as it helps in keeping our spine stable and properly aligned. It can be done in standing or sitting position. Abdominal breathing is also a very simple form of yoga practice that relives us from stress. A few minutes of abdominal breathing stretch is enough to relax our body and mind.
Neck stretching involves rotating the neck right and left gently by holding the hand on the waist in neutral sitting position or standing position with controlled breathing. Neck stretching ensures proper blood circulation to our head and also relieves from neck pains.

Shoulder shrugs are done by lifting shoulders up and down with controlled breathing repeatedly 4 or 5 times. Shoulder shrugs help to keep the muscles flexible.

Wrist stretching is performed by interlacing the fingers of both hands backside and moving the hands gently by holding the breath to provide stretching to the wrists. Wrist stretch provides flexibility to wrists and enables easy movement of hands

Chest stretching is practiced in neutral standing position by placing the hands backside, holding a belt or scarf and squeezing the shoulders towards the center of the back. Every time you inhale, raise your arms slowly behind you going high but without compromising the posture. This practice relaxes the muscles at neck, shoulders, and chest.

Lateral side stretching, standing spinal twist, heated hip stretch are other yoga stretching methods which give immense benefits to body and mind and keeping our muscles flexible.

Natural solutions such as yoga stretching helps us to encounter our health disorders, keep us fit and healthy and thereby re-engineering our life. To derive these benefits one has to learn and practice yoga properly and regularly.