29 June 2008

Yoga Pose

Yoga poses are the best method to maintain the body flexible, supple and toned up without exerting any force on the body. The yogis were performing rigorous routine of meditation in forests and mountains and being scantily clad, they devised indoor exercises now known as yoga poses to keep their body healthy and light and make it a willing instrument of their meditation.

Over the years, yoga poses got separated from the remaining mental and spiritual practices and has become popular as fitness yoga. However, people who practice yoga poses derive benefits of yoga like a focused mind, self-discipline, a composed temperament and a healthy view of life.

In Parighasana pose, the main focus is on the part of the body. This strong lateral stretch is given because of its shape, which resemble a slab used for closing a gate so this pose is also called as Gate Pose. With the practice of this pose complete enlargement of the lungs is possible as it open the side ribs and also causes for better breathing. It also gives figure to the waist due to the stretch of abdominal obliques it also helps in providing strength to the lower back by stretching muscle in the back of the waist deeply. This type of pose is very useful for those who have a rigid back and also helps to reduce lower back pain.

Parighasana is outstanding choice for Parsvakonasana generally known as a side angle pose and also as Trikonasana this pose wide up the hips and make lengths at side usin triangle pose. It also transforms your inhalation and can sense the breath in the side portion of body. Parighasana provide a vast stretch in inter-coastal muscles, which are situated in the middle of the ribs. These muscles are commonly neglected and tight, leading to postural problems. The rib cage can expand after the intercoastals are prolonged, leading to better respiration. By practicing this pose release from asthma, allergies and even colds could be realized.

Fish Pose: In this pose stretch out on back then bent your knees and arms on side. Curve your back as much as far you can do at ease and raise your back from the ground with help of your elbows by pushing the ground. Try to lean your head backside after that rest the top of your head on the flooring. Take breathe from deep of the diaphragm and try to do this pose for nearly one minute if you can able to do this pose.

Bending Forward Pose: In this pose first of all stand straight keep your feet together and hanging your arms free along your sides. Inhale deeply and then very slowly lift your arms directly over head. While doing exhale and after doing that bend frontward and touch toes. If you are not able to touch your toes then catch your ankles or calves. In order to complete this pose, you are supposed to touch the crown of your head to tip of knees. This pose is very difficult for the people who have back pain. Movements should be smooth while doing this pose to avoid problems.

Apart from this so many poses are available in different sites. Regular practice of these yoga poses tempers and tunes up the body, disciplines the mind and trains the will to apply itself to self-improving habits and style of life and lifts your perspectives to a higher and nobler level of existence.