29 June 2008

Yoga Exercises

Life has become taxing, restless and bewildered for most of the people. Individuals are in lookout for ways and means of overcoming these phenomena and getting away from this mechanical life. Some people turn towards religion and spirituality searching peace and happiness, while others choose to some destructive paths like alcohol and drug addiction.

Yoga has the capability of curing all woes of the present human life. Yoga is an ancient art and is in practice in India since thousands of years. Yoga is closely associated with spirituality and human health helping individuals to unite their body, mind and soul by performing certain disciplined body exercises, breathing practices and following good food habits. Although yoga has been traditionally practiced and patronized by Hindu religious men, its teachings are universal and very much relevant to the present day’s mechanical living styles. Individuals, who practice yoga irrespective of their religion, cast or creed will reap the benefits thereupon.

Human body needs natural motion and exercise. Our present hectic lifestyle does not provide scope for natural movements of joints and muscles. As a result of this many of us acquire disease and pains. There are plenty of physical exercises and therapies developed in the modern world to provide mechanical movements to our muscles using various methods and special equipments. They focus only on body exercises without paying any attention to mental and spiritual values. On the other hand yoga exercises take a holistic approach in and yogic exercises are aimed at developing body, mind and soul at the same time. Yoga assumes our body as a carrier that takes our soul towards destiny. Yoga exercises help to widen our intellectual power and spiritual values.

The basic elements of yoga exercises are stretching various muscles, backward and forward bending, balancing, and breathing practices. Yoga exercises focus on relaxed body motions, deep breathing exercises and total concentration.
Yoga exercises emphasize on five basic principles named Asanas, Pranayama, Savasana, Vegetarian and Meditation which represents proper exercises, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper diet, and proper meditation respectively.

Physical exercises and breathing practices in yoga are known as postures. There are twelve varieties of postures practiced in yogic exercises. They are Headstand or Sirshasana, Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana, Plough or Halasana, Fish or Matsyasana, Forward bend or Paschimothanasana, Cobra or Bhujangasana, Locust or Shalabhasana, Bow or Dhanurasana, Spinal twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana, Peacock pose Mayurasana, Standing forward bend or Pada Hasthasana, Triangle or Trikonasana.

Yoga exercises are ideal tools for attaining physical and mental health. While practicing yoga, individuals learn to cool their minds by performing various breathing exercises that ultimately results in increased focus and concentration. Those who are able to connect the body and mind thorough disciplined yoga practices will harvest the fruits of yoga. Yoga guards us from the detrimental influences and attacks physically and mentally we experiment in our hectic day-to-day life. One can gradually relieve from greediness and panic by practicing yoga exercise regularly. Sustained yoga practice will make our body and mind stronger and prepare us to encounter ups and downs our daily life.