14 March 2008

Adelaide Infant Massage

The Benefits Of Infant Massage

By: Anne Morris

Most mothers instinctively lovingly massage their babies. Perhaps it was by understanding this and observing the effect upon the infant that the idea of infant massage was born. Actually infant massage has been in practice for many years. But recently its popularity has taken off worldwide. It should really come as no surprise since both babies and parents enjoy the benefits. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of infant massage below:

Infant Massage Facilitates Bonding

Touch between mother and baby is extremely important during the early months in order to develop the bond that will help the baby thrive and grow into a happy well adjusted child. The mother and father are able to provide gentle nurturing touches which the baby associates with love and being cared for. Infant massage helps the baby and parents get to know one another and spend quiet quality time together, communicating through touch.

Infant Massage Relaxes the Infant

A newborn baby's life is pretty stressful when you think about it. He gets hungry and cold and the only way he can let anyone know he needs attention is to yell for it. Infant massage can help relax a stressed out baby that has just had too much activity or is suffering from stomach upsets. When infant massage is part of the baby's normal routine, there is a good chance he will grow into a child who knows what relaxation is and how to achieve it to escape the stresses of life.

Infant Massage Improves Baby's Sleep

It follows that a baby lulled into relaxation by an infant massage will quickly succumb to slumber. The upside is that infant massage may help to promote sounder and longer sleep periods. Parents will also benefit from a soundly sleeping baby which will give them much needed rest also.

Infant Massage Supports Communication

Infant massage opens up a new channel for communication among baby and parents. Parents will learn to pick up on nonverbal cues from the baby. The infant will grow to feel as if he is being heard and attended to without having to clamor for it.

Infant Massage Relieves Discomfort

Studies indicate that infant massage releases endorphins and oxytocin into the baby's body. These elements may act to relive the common discomforts a baby struggles with such as teething, stress, congestion, and colic. Watch any mother trying to comfort an unhappy baby as massage, rubbing, and patting just come naturally. The movements help to settle the child, relax him, and alleviate his discomfort.

Infant Massage is Fun

What better reason could there be for infant massage other than the simple fact that the baby and parents think it is fun? It is a great way to get some giggles and coos from the baby and have an enjoyable time together.

So given the above benefits, it is no wonder that infant massage is so popular. Of course mothers have been massaging their babies since the beginning of time, but when we speak of the formal infant massage you should know there is actually a method to follow. Certain types of movements act to calm and relax the baby before bedtime and other types of movements will energize him. Still other types of massage movements act to relieve discomfort. So if you would like to learn formal massage for your baby and experience the benefits above, ask around and see if you can find a local infant massage class that you and your baby can attend together.

Anne Morris is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writings at baby-today.com and massage-wire.com .

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is the use of massage to heal mental and bodily aches and strains. Also known as manipulative therapy, therapeutic massage provides physical and psychological benefits. Physically, the effects of massage include injury healing, pain management and circulation improvement. The psychological aspects, through muscle manipulation leading to tension relief achieved by manipulating the muscles, are known to relieve stress . Multiple types of therapeutic massage exist, utilizing various techniques and concentrating on various parts or problems of the body. Therapeutic massage has a long and vivid history, and can claim Hippocrates and Julius Caesar as proponents of its uses and benefits.

Therapeutic massage, through the application of manual and/or mechanical-aid pressure to the soft tissues of the body, eases much of the accumulated tension in the muscles. This tension relief is extremely helpful in situations when time is the best medicine. For example, strained and pulled muscles will only cure after time and through patience; massage can be extremely helpful in making the former go by faster and the keeping the latter with you. Muscle aches and pains, which accumulate as a result of stress, are greatly soothed by massage. A continuous regimen of massage therapy can reduce the aches and pains in the long term as well as the short term. Bad circulation, which can be the result of many factors, can be increased through massage. Of course, a healthy lifestyle consisting of a correct diet and sufficient exercise is needed to maintain healthy circulation, but massage does stimulate the blood vessels near the skin, thus improving circulation nearest to the skin.

It is a known fact that when we feel good physically, our psychology improves as well. Massage feels good physically as it lightly stirs our muscles and puts pressure on sensitive spots. This physical calm affects the mental state as well. While tension and pain are being released from our bodies, the mind is able to rest at ease, forgetting the pressures, both physical and emotional, of everyday life. Physical and mental health are cyclically related, as we are also apt to be physically more active in life when we feel good psychologically.

The range of therapeutic massage that exists is quite varied. For the athlete, there is the sport massage – the manipulation of muscles and tissues to keep them from tenseness and soreness – which reduces the risk of injury. For the injured athlete (or any injured person, for that matter), there exists the remedial massage, which concentrates on the injured area, and probably will include physical therapy to rebuild those muscles. Reflexology, derived from an Asian form, is massaging feet and/or hands to achieve relaxation throughout the body, as points in our hands and feet are connected to points throughout our body. Swedish massage focuses on deep massage of the muscles in the direction of blood flow to the heart. This type of massage is both beneficial for muscles and the circulation system. These above-listed types are a few of the various methods of therapeutic massage. Depending on personal needs and injuries, the specific therapeutic massage best for the specific need should be chosen.

Hippocrates is known to have said: “A physician must be experienced in many things but assuredly also in rubbing." Thus, the father of modern medicine confirmed his belief in the benefits of massage to medicine. Julius Caesar is known to have had regular massage treatments, for certainly, in between conquering empires, de-stressing his body was very important. Massage therapy has been used throughout the centuries, and is known to have been used as early as the Egyptian times – paintings depict the royalty receiving massage. Modern society is discovering the benefits, both physical and psychological, of massage.

As knowledge of these ancient techniques increases, awareness of their benefits grows, and the popularity increases. It is becoming easier and more accessible to get virtually any type of therapeutic massage in most cities, and is quickly spreading to regions outside of metropolitan areas. Massage, as the millennium-old therapy shows, is not a temporary fad. It is a method of pain and stress a lleviation that is becoming accepted by the medical community as an important supplement to various treatments. Therapeutic massage, through muscle manipulation, can be extremely beneficial to living a healthy life. When the body feels free and easy, the mind follows suit, and the path is paved for a healthy life.

Marina Petroni researched and wrote this article on the subject massage school ( www.nmsnt.org/ ). Please place an active link to this Therapeutic Massage website when you decide to publish this article.

Mobile or In-House Massage


Mobile massage therapists come to you. To your home, your office, your accommodation, sporting event or factory. Mobile therapies are often grouped by what type of massage is offered. Corporate massage (also known as workplace) is aimed at providing a massage in the office or workplace. They are usually of a short duration, say 15 to 30 minutes to remove stress and tension from the upper back shoulders and neck. Event massage is mostly for sporting events such as track meets, cycling or rowing. A pre-event and/or post-event massage is provided for the athlete.

In-House massage takes up the rest. A massage therapist comes to your location. They bring a portable table, linen and lubricants – you provide an appropriate space. Many people prefer the convenience of a massage at their own location. No parking problems, your own shower facilities and you can relax at home after the therapy. It is also great for people unable to leave their home because of illness or transportation limitations.

The down side to mobile massage is you will pay more for the convenience, the table will not be as comfortable as a fixed unit and you may be missing out on an environment that was specifically designed for the massage experience.

Baby Massage

By: Mary Miller

Have you been hearing about baby massage? It may be something you should be looking into. The benefits of baby massage are great. Not only does it give the mother or care giver time in which to bond with their baby, but it also aids in the baby's development of muscle and in relaxation. In the West, people have only really become aware of the benefits of baby massage during the last thirty years.

In other parts of the world, such as places like Asia and Africa, baby massage has been used for centuries. The therapeutic benefits and effects of baby massage have been passed on from one generation to the next.

In the West these days, baby massage is available in hospitals and in clinics under the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK.

To a baby, another person's touch is talk. By massaging their baby, parents and caregivers can gain more confidence in handling them. by watching and interpreting their baby's reaction to touch, they can better relate to the baby.

Parents can find out what their baby likes and dislikes. This helps a parent understand his or her baby better. Further, this helps to develop a positive relationship between baby and parents.

Massage is also known to strengthen babies' muscles and joints, and to help relieve the symptoms of some of the ailments common in the early years of life. According to studies carried out across various cultures, babies who have more body contact (being carried, breastfed, massaged, and gently handled) develop into adults who show empathy, compassion, and cooperation with others.

Baby massage's benefits to the Parent:


When massaging your baby, be aware of your baby's reaction to your touch, and particularly to the pressure you apply. Babies are unable to tell you if you are massaging them too hard! In learning to read your baby's body language, and by interpreting her reaction, you acquire key parenting skills.

In fact, studies have shown that mothers who had lots of early physical contact with their children could find their 3 - 8 year old child's pajamas from a pile of pajamas that were identical!


* Baby massage provides the mother and child with the opportunity for increased eye contact
* Baby massage causes increased prolactin levels (the mothering hormone) in breast milk
* It helps you to "fall in love" with your baby
* In cases of abuse and neglect, the use of baby massage can improve the situation.


* Massage greatly reduces the levels of stress hormones
* Parents benefit from giving massages to their children
* Studies have shown that those who use massage regularly benefit from reduced stress levels
* For working parents, giving your baby a massage as soon as you get home from work provides valuable quality time with your little one -- and helps you to relax and "reconnect" with them.

Give baby massage a try -- you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Article Source : http://www.articlecube.com

Mary Miller is a writer for several well-known web sites, on family and home and home and kids topics.